Hi Samantha! I appreciate the thoughtful response. And I agree that we need more open communication and thoughtful discussion. My intent here was to show how little that actually happens. So many people see/hear/experience something that upset them and their anger overrides their rational thought. Rather than looking to understand, they seek, rather, to punish without the chance of redemption or understanding. I may have missed the mark here, but I get the impression we're arguing for the same thing, just from two different angles. Believe me, it was not my intent to be dismissive or reductive. If I did so, it was unintentional. Moreover, I was attempting to be satirical, which, admittedly, isn't my strong suit.
I also appreciate you reading, despite being offput. Too many people turn off/click away at the first sign of something they don't like, casting judgement on a single puzzle piece rather than the whole.
Thanks, be well, and I hope you have a good Thanksgiving :)