Member-only story
My Potential Problems with Parenthood
I think I’d be a good father. I’m worried I wouldn’t be.
I think I’d be a good father.
I’m worried I wouldn’t be.
I don’t have any children yet, and I may never end up having any.
Part of me wonders if that’s a good thing. I have a long and painful history of talking myself out of things I want because I fixate on the worst-case scenario aspects of, well, everything. However, my concerns about one day becoming a father are founded on rational thinking.
Well, as rational as I can be about something that terrifies me if I think too hard about it.
Which concerns, you might be asking?
The biggest one is my disability. Being a quadriplegic, it’s difficult enough to get myself safely from one point to another.
I worry I lack the mobility to keep up with small children.
Let’s face it, once they learn to walk, they’ve already got a leg up on me (pun intended). They can move farther, faster, and in and through smaller places than I can. They can run across a grassy field or gravel lot faster than I can. They can travel across sand…and I can’t. Not unless I want to get stuck, anyway.